The Rising Beyond Podcast
Are you ready to thrive as you are coming out of a toxic or abusive relationship? Join Sybil Cummin, a licensed professional counselor who has specialized in working with victims and survivors of domestic violence and narcissistic abuse for over a decade and runs a membership community for women on their healing journey. On this podcast you will finally feel understood and your experience will be validated as you learn tangible strategies to handle family court, coparent with your abuser, improve your connection with your children, and heal from the trauma of narcissistic abuse and domestic violence.
The Rising Beyond Podcast
Ep 112: How Women are Framed in the Family Court System with Dr. Cocchiola and Amy Polacko
Our family court system continues to harm families on a daily basis. If you are a survivor of domestic violence, coercive control, or narcissistic abuse and share children with your ex-partner, you are likely experiencing this firsthand.
But what can we do about it?
We are creating an army of advocates who are passionate about creating massive changes within our larger systems. And today I have the honor of talking with two of the women on the front lines of this fight, Dr. Christine Cocchiola and Amy Polacko.
In this episode, you are going to hear how and why their new book, Framed: Women in the Family Court Underworld was created and how it is going to be a necessary tool in this fight. You will get a sneak peek into this book as Dr. C and Amy share excerpts from the stories in the book and it will give you chills.
This book is available for pre-order at the time of this release and it is extremely important that folks pre-order so that we can get this book to more of the people who need it. You can pre-order this book here:
If you want to help spread the word about this book, please take a look at how you can be a part of the book launch team.
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When you join the RB community, you'll get expert thoughts from me and others on strategy, parenting, family court, healing, all the things, connection with other survivors in a safe place. And in a place where you won't have to defend yourself anymore. We believe you. You'll also have access to live events, workshops, and our online forum. Doors close on midnight, Tuesday, February 11th.
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If you've been looking for a supportive community of women going through the topics we cover, head over to our website to learn more about the Rising Beyond Community. - https://www.risingbeyondpc.com/
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