The Rising Beyond Podcast
Are you ready to thrive as you are coming out of a toxic or abusive relationship? Join Sybil Cummin, a licensed professional counselor who has specialized in working with victims and survivors of domestic violence and narcissistic abuse for over a decade and runs a membership community for women on their healing journey. On this podcast you will finally feel understood and your experience will be validated as you learn tangible strategies to handle family court, coparent with your abuser, improve your connection with your children, and heal from the trauma of narcissistic abuse and domestic violence.
The Rising Beyond Podcast
Ep 111: The Realities of Court Ordered Reunification Therapy
If your children have not had contact or very little contact with your abusive ex-partner then it is likely that a judge will court order reunification therapy.
What exactly is reunification therapy? And is it in the best interests of your children?
I share the good, the bad, and the ugly aspects of reunification therapy based on my personal experiences of being trained (sort of) and providing reunification therapy with families involved with child protection. There were times where the process was beautiful and other times when the process was completely unethical.
Don't miss the CRUCIAL questions you MUST ask therapists before starting reunification therap in order to better protect your children from potential trauma and abuse.
- What does the process of reunification therapy look like with you?
- What kind of documentation do you provide to the parents or to the courts?
- What do you need from me?
- What is my role in this?
- What is your communication like with the other members of the team?
- How do you ensure that you're building enough rapport and relationship with my child so that they will share if they don't feel safe with you or with their other parent, what does that process look like?
- How are you assessing for emotional safety, how are you assessing when it's safe to move forward?
Two questions you can ask that might cause some discomfort for everyone involved:
- What is your stance on parental alienation?
- Are there cases or do you have cases where you did not recommend that the child reunify and have parenting time with the parent you're working with?
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