The Rising Beyond Podcast

Ep 104: Finding Yourself After Abuse Using the Enneagram with Talya Dash, LCSW

Sybil Cummin, MA, LPC, ACS Season 1 Episode 104

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Domestic violence and narcissistic abuse strips away your sense of self and autonomy.  One of the most important parts of the healing process is to rediscover who you are and what you value so that you can learn to trust yourself again.

As you become curious about who you were before the abuse and who you would like to be after you heal it can be helpful to have a guide to understand what drives you, what challenges you, and your best attributes.

On this episode I have a conversation with my dear friend and colleague, Talya Dash, LCSW about how to use the Enneagram to connect with yourself as you heal from abuse.  The Enneagram system is a widely accepted personality model that offers deep insight into our core driving motivations, opening up exciting possibilities in the prediction and understanding of human behavior.  Talya describes each of the 9 types and how each one may find themselves susceptible to an abusive relationship and what may motivate each one as they heal.

Received my BA in Psychology from Earlham College and Masters in Social Work from Virginia Commonwealth University. She has been in the mental health field for over 17 years, in private practice for over 8 years. She is a Certified Somatic Experiencing practitioner, SE focuses as much on body sensations and the nervous system as it does on emotions, thoughts, actions and imagery. She is also a PACT couples therapist, and utilizes attachment work and the Enneagram. Talya Fell in love with the Enneagram almost 15 years ago and has not only found it instrumental in her own life, marriage, and parenthood, but also in her practice working with individuals, couples, and families.

Talya's Website:



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