The Rising Beyond Podcast

Ep 102: Surviving Domestic Abuse: Strategies for Child Protection Involvement

Sybil Cummin, MA, LPC, ACS Season 1 Episode 102

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If you are a victim or survivor of domestic violence or narcissistic abuse you will likely come into contact with a lot of our larger systems. One of them being Child Protective Services (CPS).

This may bring up your greatest fear, one that your partner threatened on many occasions; that if you leave they will do everything to take your children away from you.  And if your abuser has done a good job at making you feel crazy and worthless, the possibility that CPS will take away your children feels imminent.  

So, what can you do as the protective parent if CPS becomes involved in your case?

First, it is helpful to know a bit about the process and how your ex partner will show up.  Because of their MO of taking control of the narrative, it is paramount that you develop a relationship with the team of people involved in your case.  It is important that you show up in ways that refute the narrative of your ex and do this consistently.

I also discuss the negative ramifications of how our current CPS system is impacting cases where family court is involved and what I think needs to change.

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